5 Ways That Smart Packaging Technology Is a Game Changer for Your Cannabis Operation

We’ve seen it time and again: cannabis professionals being held back by archaic systems.

Growers using legal pads full of scribbled notes… distributors relying on old spreadsheets… These shorthand systems worked for a while, but with the cannabis industry poised for dramatic growth, you can’t afford to be held back.

Use RFID and NFC technology to streamline your systems and grow your cannabis business

We recently discussed current limitations (and opportunities) with Tim Daly, a pioneer in RFID and NFC technologies with over 20 years of industry experience. Tim understands the logistics involved in cannabis growth, distribution, and tracking, and how there is currently no clear line of sight between growing operations and point-of-sale. 

A firm believer in the value and application of RFID and NFC for the cannabis space, Tim gave us his perspective on five ways that smart packaging is a true game changer.

  1. SKU codes will limit you; RFID sets you free. The cannabis industry currently leans on SKU-level-based barcodes. This may work when the packages are lined up neatly in front of you and you have a scanner in-hand, but how often is that the case? SKU barcodes also require a lot of repetitive work and manual data entry. RFID, on the other hand, requires a handheld or fixed UHF RFID reader. The smartphone will only engage with the NFC tags. The smartphone is used for product authentication, tamper detection, and the digital connection between brand and user i.e value-added content etc. COA, rewards, loyalty, consumption intelligence, etc.

  2. Track individual packages with pinpoint accuracy. Beyond knowing where a shipment is headed, you can use RFID capabilities to know where each individual package is in transit, and supporting product details. In other words, you can zoom in with pinpoint accuracy for an unprecedented level of visibility. This gives you instant updates on your product's location, plus makes it easier to comply with regulatory standards. 

  3. Efficient cannabis inventory management - huge time saver! To streamline processing, all products with smart packaging will be instantly read and logged into your system within seconds. Streamlining and digitizing these processes reduce the risk of human error while saving your team time.

  4. Safe, secure NFC technology for your cannabis dispensary. Not sure what NFC technology is? It stands for near-field communication: the same technology that allows Apple Pay and chip readers to process credit card purchases. TrueGreen’s proprietary smart packaging offers the same robust NFC capabilities and airtight privacy standards. Since all modern smartphones have native NFC functions, TrueGreen’s benefits are accessible to anyone - no extra steps to take or apps to download.

  5. Offer a customized experience: drive awareness of your cannabis brand and guide the conversation. Using this same smart packaging technology, you can also curate a custom experience for shoppers. By just waving their phone over the package, a secure NFC connection is made, serving up information that’s been tailored to prospective consumers. 

After the point of sale, this experience can be modified. Why not invite them to opt-in for more product recommendations or company news, or maybe join a rewards program? It’s another layer of value for them, strengthening your brand position at the same time.

Interested in learning more about how TrueGreen works? Contact us to schedule a free demo! We’d love to give you a closer look.


5 Ways That Smart Cannabis Packaging Technology Is a Game Changer for Regulatory Compliance


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